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Why MiniCultureConKC?

Updated: Aug 13, 2024

Written by CultureCon Guest Blogger, Jessie Jacob

MiniCultureCon, Culture, CultureCon, Employee Engagement

Why bring CultureCon events to Kansas City? If there’s anything we should have learned by now, it’s to always lead off with your why.

"CultureCon is on a mission to impact the workplace by connecting humans to inspire positive change around organizational culture."

This organization has been extremely successful in other cities. It’s very clear that organizations across the country and in Kansas City in particular, care about workplace culture and the overall wellbeing of employees.

According to Gallup, the numbers for employee engagement are shockingly low and have remained so for some time now. This has many people floored and there is a strong call from employees or really what I should say is, humans looking for organizational change.

It comes down to a desire for people wanting to come to work as their whole selves. There are resources out there but it’s a matter of creating a greater awareness around those resources.

My partner, Frank Keck and I run a program called Culture Lab through our company, CoreBuild, which is a workplace culture accelerator program for small to medium-sized business and startups. We work with founders and executives to create intentional workplace cultures because great places to work do not happen by accident. We have a culture development process and framework that makes it easy to do this work on your own after the program.

Through this work, we have gotten to know a lot of the other major players in this space and this event was an opportunity to bring many of these resources together and provide Kansas City business leaders who are passionate about culture a chance to learn more and provide them with options to take action.

It’s definitely not for a lack of caring that these Gallop numbers haven’t changed. There are a lot of business leaders passionate about culture and who explore research about culture. This event brings best practices to the stage and hopefully inspires people to not just talk, but to do something about transforming ourselves and our workplaces.

Event details and contact information about the event.


Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Hosted at nbkc bank (8320 Ward Parkway, Kansas City, MO, 64114)

Keynote presentations by:

We’ll see you there!

Jessie Jacob


CultureCon, a Certified B Corporation®, is on a mission to inspire positive change around organizational culture. Through large conferences, online courses, consulting services, and certification programs, we deliver experiences that provide practical tools and motivation for our customers to become cultural change agents within their organizations. Our customers include business owners, CxOs, HR leaders, senior management, individual contributors, and anyone who wants to build more uplifting, inspiring, and healthy workplaces.

Learn more about our upcoming events.


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